Telenet unveils next generation broadband internet line-up

Montag, 08.02.2010 16:35 von Hugin - Aufrufe: 194

Telenet unveils next generation broadband internet line-up
Mechelen, February 8, 2010 - Telenet continues to invest in its future and today
announced its fully revamped broadband internet product offering:
·         Launch Telenet FiberNet, the fastest high-speed broadband internet
product up to 100 Mbps
·         Higher speeds and increased download volume for more than one million
broadband customers
·         Unlimited downloads for Telenet FiberNet and TurboNet as of July
·         New technology allows customers to enter a whole new era of broadband
access through cable
·         Price reduction for start-tier BasicNet, no price increase for all
other broadband products
·         New webmail application with improved functionality and 5 GB of
mailbox storage capacity
Today's internet browsing experience increasingly requires larger bandwidth
capacity as multimedia applications, social networking and video-rich
entertainment sites become an important part of our digital lifestyle. Thanks to
the continued investments in both new technologies and its network, Telenet is
well positioned to meet the rapidly growing consumer needs and to deliver a
wholly new internet experience to its entire customer base. With the next
generation broadband internet lineup, which will be further upgraded throughout
2010, more than one million broadband internet customers will start to enjoy the
best-in-class next generation broadband products, without a price increase.
The high-quality cable network and the introduction of the latest technology
EuroDocsis 3.0 amongst its entire network allow Telenet to once again raise the
bar with regards to superfast broadband internet. With the introduction of our
new flagship product, Telenet FiberNet, high-demanding customers will enter a
new, unprecedented, browsing experience with download speeds of up to 100 Mbps.
This new broadband product represents the dawning of a new era of broadband
access in Belgium as Telenet becomes the fastest internet provider in its
footprint, outpacing other rivaling competitors.
As of mid-March, all customers on our existing products will receive faster
download speeds and higher volumes. In the course of 2010, we will further
increase the download volume limitations significantly. For our top-tier
products, Telenet will allow unlimited downloads as of July.
Enclosed you can find the complete press release.
Press release:

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