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Microsoft Veteran Joins Lumen as Chief Marketing Officer

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PR Newswire

DENVER, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN) has named Ryan Asdourian as its new Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. In this role, Asdourian will oversee Brand and Product Marketing, and Corporate Communications. He will report to Lumen President and CEO Kate Johnson starting next week and serve as a member of the executive team. 

Asdourian joins Lumen from Microsoft where, during 20 years with the company, he held product and marketing leadership roles with increasing responsibilities. He most recently led the company's Security business group, with responsibility for P&L, Sales Enablement, and Marketing across North and South America. Prior to that, Asdourian led Business Development and Marketing for the Microsoft Surface business group in the United States, and the Windows and Devices business group in the United Kingdom. Before that, he served as Technical Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella

"Ryan is a proven leader who has demonstrated a remarkable ability to link product capabilities with customer needs and market those products in disruptive ways," said Johnson. "He is uniquely suited to shape our brand and how we go to market to accelerate our return to growth." 

"Lumen is changing itself, changing the industry, and changing how customers connect to the world and succeed," said Asdourian. "This creates tremendous opportunities to shape our brand in all three of these dimensions, and I'm looking forward to showing customers what Lumen can do today and in the future." 

About Lumen Technologies:
Lumen connects the world. We are igniting business growth by connecting people, data, and applications – quickly, securely, and effortlessly. Everything we do at Lumen takes advantage of our network strength. From metro connectivity to long-haul data transport to our edge cloud, security, and managed service capabilities, we meet our customers' needs today and as they build for tomorrow. For news and insights visit, LinkedIn: /lumentechnologies, Twitter: @lumentechco, Facebook: /lumentechnologies, Instagram: @lumentechnologies and YouTube: /lumentechnologies. Lumen and Lumen Technologies are registered trademarks of Lumen Technologies LLC in the United States. Lumen Technologies LLC is a wholly owned affiliate of Lumen Technologies, Inc.

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