Full Year 2009 Results

Mittwoch, 24.02.2010 17:50 von Hugin - Aufrufe: 153

Mechelen,  February  24, 2010 -  Telenet  Group  Holding  NV  ("Telenet"  or the
"Company") (Euronext Brussels: TNET) announces its unaudited consolidated
results under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
European Union ("EU GAAP") for the full year ended December 31, 2009.
n  FY 2009 net additions exceeded 2008 levels: broadband internet (131,000, up
28% yoy), Telenet Digital TV (329,000, up 51% yoy) and fixed telephony (112,000,
up 38% yoy);
n  New mobile offers and targeted campaigns resulted in sharp rise in new
subscribers (+24,000 in Q4 2009);
n  Revenue of ¤1,197.4 million, up 18% compared to prior year, yielding organic
growth of 9%;
n  Adjusted EBITDA((1) )up 20% year-on-year to ¤607.7 million including a
nonrecurring post-employment benefit expense of ¤6.6 million, implying an
Adjusted EBITDA margin of 50.7%;
n  Accrued capital expenditures((2) )of ¤317.6 million, including ¤103.9 million
related to set-top box rental;
n  Free Cash Flow((3) )growth of 38% to ¤166.9 million, equivalent to 14% of
n  Strong improvement in net profit compared to prior year, positively impacted
by nonrecurring tax credit;
n  Outlook FY 2010 foresees around 8% top line growth, Adjusted EBITDA margin of
close to 50% and accrued capital expenditures of around 23% of revenue,
resulting in strong free cash flow growth;
n  Proposed extraordinary shareholder disbursement of ¤2.23 per share.
Enclosed you will find the complete press release.
Press release: http://hugin.info/136600/R/1388213/346429.pdf

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